This ruleset was last updated on: December 24th, 2024
Transferring assets is strictly limited to premium users. If you wish to transfer money, vehicles, property or other assets, purchasing the perk with gamecoins is mandatory. You are not allowed to transfer weaponry or drugs of any sort. You will also not be given back any impounded or seized vehicles after a transfer. This is not limited to the previously mentioned.
Please refer to ALT>ALTing regulations for further details.
Any user within the Community who doxes anyone, staff, members or otherwise will be banned and blacklist from all AGRP services without the chance of appealing. We take Doxing very seriously here to protect the personal lives of those who come here to enjoy the community. This type of behavior is not tolerated.
Any asset that has been uploaded to the AGRP Community (Discord, Forums, Game Server etc) now becomes the property of ArdicGaming Roleplay. The Credits will still be issued to the rightful owner. By submitting any assets/work to the Community means that you agree that you are giving up your rights of copyright and ownership to the ArdicGaming environment. Respective ownership of said assets now lay with the Owner/Shareholders of AGRP. Any item not listed below can be deemed by AGRP Owner/Shareholders to succumb to the Copyrights & Ownership rule. The following assets listed (but not limited to) are subject to this rule;
1. Map uploads
2. Skin Retextures
3. Skin Mods
4. Vehicle Wraps
5. Vehicle Mods
6. Wallpapers
7. Item Textures
8. Graffiti Art
9. Logos
10. Icons
11. Banners
12. 3D Models
13. Media
14. Forum/Discord Contributions
The reason for this rule is so that disgruntled players cannot request or take action against the server to remove their creations. This boils down to some assets being heavily used by players for their enjoyment, and whilst an disgruntled player may want to ruin their own experience, we will not allow it to ruin others' experiences.
A request can be made for your asset(s) to be removed from the AGRP Community; though the Community Owner/Shareholders reserve the right to deny your request. This request typically is discussed by Management, discussing key benefactors such as its impact on the environment if it were to be removed; the impact others would feel if the asset(s) were removed, if the request is reasonable, does the request have malicious/disgruntled intent or is the request genuine. All mitigating factors will be discussed in detail and then a response will be given to the requester either accepting or denying the request for the removal of the asset(s).
Items which are considered “hard to get” are items which require UAT or FMT Leader permissions to spawn. Players cannot request items which may give them an unfair advantage over other players. - Player(s) being defined by the following members;
1. General Players
2. Law Enforcement
3. Emergency Personnel
4. Governing Bodies
5. Illegal Roleplayers
6. Legal Roleplayers
The list above includes (but not limited to) unfair advantaged players.
Reasoning for acquiring “hard to get” items must be defined in a UAT or FMT ticket. If the ticket goes directly to UAT they will then discuss your reasoning for the acquisition of said item(s). With your intent on using them being legitimate and strong roleplay reasoning with an established character background in place.
Hard to Get Items list (not limited to the following);
1. Body armor
2. Bulletproof armor (vehicles & interiors)
3. Bulletproof windows (vehicles & interiors)
4. Bulletproof tires (vehicles)
5. Bulletproof panelling (vehicles & interiors)
6. Axon body cameras
7. Suppressors
8. Scoped rifles
9. Explosives & specialized weaponry
Unjustified Reasons (not limited to the following);
1. Your faction is a security firm
2. Your faction is a militia
3. Your faction is based on terrorism
4. Your character's background story suggests they would have these item(s)
5. You character roleplays acquiring these item(s)
6. Your pipeline would RPly have these item(s) in stock
Note: If you come across any of these items in-game such as breaking into a house or a vehicle, these items are free for the taking. Just alert a UAT or FMT Leader at the time of acquiring these items so that they can add it to your character's notes so that there is a papertrail on the items and how they were acquired.